This is an internal tool used to submit and track the various situations that are reported by Notre Dame faculty, staff, and students. These reports will be useful in identifying follow-up measures and to inform mediation and resolution. The data from this tool will be used to determine training and support needs for future Notre Dame education abroad opportunities.
This is not designed as an emergency response device for Clery Act, Title Nine or Notre Dame Security Police. If you are in an emergency situation, contact the Notre Dame Police Department at 574-631-5555.
Incidents can include, but are not limited to:
Issues related to classroom activities including reports of skipping classes; dropping or withdrawing from a class after the permitted period, under-enrollment of credits; plagiarism; cheating; missing an exam; course failure, or any other academic issues.
Issues related to student behavior including student participation in alcohol or substance abuse; violence or aggression; theft, property destruction, or other behaviors identified by the host institution or as being against University policy.
Physical and mental health issues that affect the student’s ability to participate in education abroad including illnesses, injuries, accidents requiring medical care, and hospitalizations, depression, eating disorders, psychosis, or experiencing a trauma or other health issues. Program participants may be affected by an accident, disorder, or trauma that occurs to one member of the group and may also need assistance.
Issues related to student well-being and security abroad including civic/political unrest, physical assault, sexual assault, being a victim of theft, kidnapping, natural disasters (earthquakes, tsunami, volcanic eruption, flooding, etc.), weather-related issues (blizzard, lightning, heat, wind, etc.) fire, or other hazardous conditions.
All other situations or incidents not categorized above such as legal issues or disputes (visa, housing disagreements with host family or landlord) death in family or of another student in program abroad, suicide, other trauma or unclassified event.
If you have questions, please email